Monday, January 25, 2016

Jan 25 - San Gabriel

Hello All,

This week has been great! We have four investigators with a baptismal date and they are all progressing. There is one man named Amadeo and he is amazing. He has a date for the 13th of February and wants to start accompanying us to visit other people. We have really seen a change in him and he also wants to learn english. So, every once in a while we stop by and I teach him english for a little bit. Awesome!

The training of the past week with Elder Bednar was awesome! We went back to the basics of repentance and baptism. Sometimes when we have a lot of time in the mission we believe that we know whats best and we forget the simple stuff. The apostles reenforced (i know that's spelled wrong) haha, the doctrine of christ. Our purpose as missionaries is not just help people live a better life, rather, open the doors of the celestial kingdom through covenants. REPENTANCE AND BAPTISM!! We are already seeing the fruits of this labor as we have four with dates that are progressing. The work is all good here in San Gabriel!

I love you guys soooo much and hope that all is good!


Elder Johnson Baby

PS: Now with the change in the transfers, I am going to be coming home on the 12th of July.

These are pictures of a family of converts in Villa el Salvador about a year ago. haha

Monday, January 18, 2016

Jan 18 - San Gabriel

Hello All,

This week has been awesome! We are finding new people to teach and also committing them to be baptized. It just goes to show that if we have faith and we are obedient as missionaries miracles happen!

We are currently working with the Manuico family. It is a family of 6, all of them inactive and one child is not a member. We started to visit them last week and they ALL came to church on sunday. It was great to see them all and now they are progressing towards being active in the church and their child being baptized. His baptism is for the 13th of February and so there is still a lot of work to do, but we are excited!

This week we will have a training by David A Bednar for all the missionaries in the world. It will be on Preach My Gospel and how we can improve teaching the basics of the gospel (faith, repentance, baptism etc.) I am excited to recieve revelation from them!

I love you sooo much and a lot!

Elder Johnson Baby

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Jan 12 - San Gabriel

Hello All,


This week I received my transfer out of Ayacucho. :( It was really hard to say goodbye because I had a lot of strong relationships there. It was difficult but it is part of the mission and I accept the revelation of President McGinn and know that I am where I am now for a reason. I am now in San Gabriel (San Juan de Miraflores, Lima). My new companion is named Elder Guzman from Barranquilla, Colombia. He is awesome! I had already met him and was in Chincha, and Pachacamac, in the same zone. I am looking forward to working as companions and helping this area grow!

I was telling Sara that as I left Ayacucho I promised them that I would come back. It looks like we will have to start saving to be able to return as a family! haha. We can stop by Lima, go to Chincha, then Ayacucho, and then to Macchu Picchu to see the ruins. Sounds like a plan to me!!

It is really different here in Lima than in Ayacucho. The humidity more than anything is what is getting me. Here in Lima, because it is the coast, the humidity is really high. In Ayacucho, it is dry like Utah. So, walking around here in Lima I'm sweating all the time and my hair is a little more frizzy haha. It is really different but I am excited to be here. It is crazy to think that this will probably be my last area! Time is going just a little toooo fast!!! haha

I love you guys sooo much and hope that everything is good.

Elder Johnson Baby

Monday, January 4, 2016

Jan 4 - Ayacucho

Hello All,


This week was great! We were able to see the fireworks of the new year and am ready to start the new year in the service of the Lord. What a blessing to be able to dedicate 2 years to him for everything that he has done for me.

This week with transfers, it is more than likely that I will leave the area. I have been here for 6 months (which is a lot haha). More than likely I will be going to Lima. My next area will be probably my last and so it is really weird that the mission is passing by sooo fast! I will do my best to help as many people as possible to recieve the gospel.

We are still working with Daniel. He is going to be married on the 25th of February and will be baptized on the 27th. It sucks because I wont be here to see his marriage or his baptism, but I am so happy for the steps that he is taking to come unto Christ. It would be awesome to be able to return here in Peru to witness his marriage in the temple. Fingers crossed!

I love you guys sooo much! and A lot!!

Elder Johnson